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CraftersLand Modded Servers Hub

Good Server and Good staff~MTRPPL
Posted 12th Oct 2019
Very nice server much fun to play
Posted 12th Oct 2019
Excellent server, I've been playing on it for several years in a row. There are always enough resources on the server. I even bought a VIP status so that in the beginning it would be possible to develop faster. By the way, it can be optionally transferred to another project server. The server never lags. If any problems arise, they are quickly resolved, there is operational support on the server. Every day you can get free resources.
Posted 4th Oct 2019
I like this server, Nice Community , No lags

IngameName: Acaulis_
Posted 3rd Oct 2019
People very friendly but a good bit of lag on the server.
The world also feels oversaturated. No place to claim in a private location. All in all 7/10.
Posted 3rd Oct 2019
Friendly community , nice people , got a really good market system and shop . Love the server
Posted 2nd Oct 2019
It is a good server with very minimal lag, fun
forgot my ign in my last review
Posted 2nd Oct 2019
THis a good server but it has a little lag
Posted 2nd Oct 2019
Great server the only things i would add are the ability to make player shops so we could have a stock and not just the one stack of items on the market also the lag but that's on all modded servers
Posted 1st Oct 2019
Good server 10/10 now its making me write more characters so its really good i recommend it
Posted 1st Oct 2019
IGN: AllyBox :Very little to no lag. Restart of server every 1-2 hours (good thing). Nice community. Little banned mods/items.
Posted 1st Oct 2019
IGN: AllyBox : Very little to no lag. Restart of server every 1-2 hours (good thing). Nice community. Little banned mods/items.
Posted 1st Oct 2019
It is very good and funny, I like it
Posted 29th Sep 2019
nice server but i'm the only french ;(
Posted 28th Sep 2019
Well. this sever is the worst server i have ever been on. it can't handle more than 20 people at once. upgrade it or shut it down
The server replied:
Hi sorry for the trouble, We run powerfull i7 CPU with 64GB RAM, and server runs on a RAM Drive, so it's not the hardware, the lag usually is caused by heavy basses that some players build and the fact that the game runs mainly on a single thread. To fix this we monitor the servers and if lag is bad we will check for source and we also do 2 maintenance sessions each weak where we check for crashes and apply patches if needed and check performance.
Posted 27th Sep 2019
I love this server very much. its a very good server, but the problem is that there is often spike lags of 5 to 20 seconds. but apart from that this is the best server ive played on so far :)
Posted 25th Sep 2019
goodest boi to ever exist on this damded ruinded and rotten plant
Posted 23rd Sep 2019
A little laggy during highpoints of the day, but other than that, pretty good for a heavily modded server!

Username: ImAroma
Posted 23rd Sep 2019
I just joined today and it seems good so far :) friendly people, helpfull staff and the server runs great with minimal lag. My ingame name is HateMachine22
Posted 22nd Sep 2019
Very friendly players. Staff seem to be around fairly often. Nice conversation and assistance on chat when required.
Posted 21st Sep 2019
I've joined the server for the first time and i've tried to vote and guess what it said that i've already voted for this server, it's funny isn't it? No wonder how you guys get that many votes with less players than other servers in the listing. Stop cheating and play fair, i do not recomend this server because they are cheating, i bet their comments also fake, made by them.
The server replied:
Hi, I don't know what happened, but we the community staff don't sped our time voting for other player, this is also not possible because the vote limit also tracks your IP.
Posted 20th Sep 2019
well it has crashed its back up in a few mins and its a great free modded server
Posted 20th Sep 2019
Very good staff, not laggy!
Posted 20th Sep 2019
Been playing on the server for a few days staff is very active, haven't had any lag problems. I would recommend this server to anyone looking for a good FTB server- YouMoistYet
Posted 20th Sep 2019
Very nice server and also good TPS. Everyone who reads this, join :D

IGN: Xx_Zelot_xX
Posted 20th Sep 2019