Weekenders Infinity
Server Name: Weekenders Infinity
Server Locale: Kansas City
Website: https://weekenders.us
Server Address/IP: mc.weekenders.us
Version: 1.7.10
Game Play Type/s: [Towny][Wild PVP][No Griefing] [FTB]
TeamSpeak3 Server : ts.weekenders.us
Description: Weekenders Infinity is the Brand new Feed-The-Beast Infinity Evolved server in the Weekenders Community. We currently run the default ftb infinity evolved 2.5.0 pack with a fully generated map 10000 blocks in all directions. We run towny and lwc for protections. We are primarily a PVE server however we do have PVP enabled in the wild so don't get too comfortable.
Our Server features a fully player run shop system with prices set by players, A fully generated map, Very few banned items, Dedicated Mining world, and Friendly Staff!
The weekenders community servers stay afloat with your donations. With that being said We do not sell any ingame items nor are there any donation ranks at this time however we do have a Donator mining world that will be unlocked for the whole server for a time once a donation goal is reached.
Rules: A more indepth set of rules is listed on our website
- Killing other players new or old at any of the spawn points is not permitted.
- Copying other players builds without permission is not permitted.
- Stealing is not permitted anywhere at anytime.
- Griefing is not allowed anywhere. You are being logged, and you will be found out.
- Offensive Minecraft character skins will not be tolerated.
- Glitching and/or using exploits will not be tolerated.
- Asking for promotions or more in-game commands will be ignored.
- Do not set home in or near other players land without their expressed permission.
- Intentional lagging of the server using Redstone or other items will not be tolerated.
Server Hardware: Dedicated server: - Intel i7 4790K, 4 Ghz, 64G Ram, SSD, Linux
Plugins: [Essentials] [WorldBorder] [LWC] [Auto-Rank] [Vault] [PermissionsEx] [WorldGuard] [SignShop2] [Towny]
Owners: Music, RealGhostHunter